God of mercy,
You have given us this special time
to reflect on our lives,
embrace the Good News
and draw closer to You.
During this season of Lent
help us use this time
to fast and pray,
be more generous
and show others
how to live in Christ.
Let us see each day of this season
as a new opportunity to renew
our lives
and gain a deeper appreciation
of Your active presence
in our hearts and our community
of faith.
Give us the grace to see Your
face in others,
especially the poor
and those who suffer.
And through your Spirit,
Rekindle in us the fire of Your love
so that we may be better stewards
of Your redeeming work throughout
the world.
We ask this through Jesus, Your Son,
who lives and reigns with You and
the Holy Spirit, One God, forever
Monday, March 9, 2015
Sunday, November 2, 2014
Stewardship Prayer for November
Gracious and loving God,
as the autumn season continues its transformation;
and the days become shorter, the earth cooler;
as we anticipate joining family and friends in joyful celebration on Thanksgiving Day,
we pause to give You thanks and praise
for the abundant blessings You have bestowed upon us:
and the days become shorter, the earth cooler;
as we anticipate joining family and friends in joyful celebration on Thanksgiving Day,
we pause to give You thanks and praise
for the abundant blessings You have bestowed upon us:
For life and health, safety and comfort,
food and nourishment, we are sincerely grateful.
Through your Spirit, open our hearts
so that we may be even better stewards of these rich and unmerited gifts.
Show us how to be a blessing for the poor, sick, lonely and all who suffer.
And help us nurture the gift of faith,
revealed to us by your Son, Jesus Christ,
our greatest gift,
who reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, one God forever and ever.
food and nourishment, we are sincerely grateful.
Through your Spirit, open our hearts
so that we may be even better stewards of these rich and unmerited gifts.
Show us how to be a blessing for the poor, sick, lonely and all who suffer.
And help us nurture the gift of faith,
revealed to us by your Son, Jesus Christ,
our greatest gift,
who reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, one God forever and ever.
Wednesday, June 4, 2014
Stewardship in the Sunday Readings, June 2014
The Ascension of
the Lord
Weekend of May 31/June 1, 2014
In today’s Gospel Jesus charges his followers to “make disciples of all nations.” What exactly is going on here? What is this Great Commission anyway? Good stewards know they are directed to share what they exercise stewardship over: their life of faith in Christ Jesus. They know Jesus didn’t direct them to go to church and to keep quiet about it; or to go out into the neighborhood, workplace or marketplace and just be nice. Christ’s Good News is meant to be shared. Many people in our communities don’t know about Jesus Christ. Does that bother us? Do we care? Do we realize we are supposed to do something about it?
Séptimo Domingo de Pascua
Weekend of May 31/June 1, 2014
In today’s Gospel Jesus charges his followers to “make disciples of all nations.” What exactly is going on here? What is this Great Commission anyway? Good stewards know they are directed to share what they exercise stewardship over: their life of faith in Christ Jesus. They know Jesus didn’t direct them to go to church and to keep quiet about it; or to go out into the neighborhood, workplace or marketplace and just be nice. Christ’s Good News is meant to be shared. Many people in our communities don’t know about Jesus Christ. Does that bother us? Do we care? Do we realize we are supposed to do something about it?
La Ascensión del Señor
Fin de Semana de Mayo 31/Junio 1 de 2014
En el Evangelio de hoy, Jesús comisiona a sus
seguidores para “ser discípulos de todas las naciones.” ¿Qué sucede aquí
exactamente? ¿En qué consiste esta Gran Comisión? Los buenos corresponsables
saben que ellos son guiados a compartir la corresponsabilidad que ejercitan
sobre: su vida de fe en Cristo Jesús. Ellos saben que Jesús no los instruyó
para ir a la iglesia y quedarse estáticos; o para ir a su vecindario, a su trabajo
o a la plaza y sólo ser amables. Las Buenas Nuevas de Cristo son para ser
compartidas. Mucha gente en nuestras comunidades no sabe acerca de Jesucristo.
¿Qué tanto nos preocupa esto? ¿Nos interesa? ¿Estamos conscientes acerca de que
se supone que hagamos algo al respecto?
Seventh Sunday of Easter
Weekend of May 31/June 1, 2014
In today’s second reading, we hear it proclaimed
that we are blessed if we share in the sufferings of Christ. What then does it
mean to “share in His sufferings” in this context? Most of us do not live in a part of the world
where we could be killed for being a follower of Jesus. But we could face or
“suffer” mockery, ridicule and disapproval from others. Far too often, and for
various reasons, those who profess faith in Christ act as though they are
ashamed of him. But to act ashamed is
the same as a denial. Stewards of the
Good News are never ashamed to reveal their love for the Lord.
Séptimo Domingo de Pascua
Fin de Semana de Mayo 31/Junio 1 de 2014
En la segunda lectura de hoy, nosotros escuchamos la
proclamación de que somos bendecidos si compartimos los sufrimientos de Cristo.
Entonces, ¿qué significa “compartir Sus sufrimientos” en este contexto? La
mayoría de nosotros no vivimos en un lugar del mundo en el que pudiéramos ser
asesinados por ser seguidores de Jesús. Pero podríamos enfrentar o “sufrir”
burlas, ridiculización y desaprobación de parte de otros. Con demasiada
frecuencia, y por varias razones, quienes profesan la fe en Cristo actúan como
si se avergonzaran de Él. Pero actuar avergonzados, es lo mismo que una
negación. Los corresponsables de las Buenas Nuevas nunca están avergonzados de
revelar su amor por el Señor.
Pentecost Sunday
June 8, 2014, Mass during the Day
This weekend we celebrate the Feast of Pentecost and
the coming of the Holy Spirit among the believers of the early Church. Saint
Paul reminds us of the special power the Holy Spirit has bestowed upon us and
how that power gives us the potential to live extraordinary lives of faith.
Good stewards recognize this power and use their gifts, through God’s channel
of grace, to transform their lives and the lives of others, and thus hasten
God’s Kingdom. Good stewards know that it is through the Holy Spirit that they
can proclaim: “Jesus is Lord.”
Domingo de Pentecostés
Junio 8 de 2014
Este fin de semana nosotros celebramos la Fiesta de
Pentecostés y la venida del Espíritu Santo entre los creyentes de la primera
Iglesia. San Pablo nos recuerda el poder especial que el Espíritu Santo ha
vertido sobre nosotros, y cómo este poder nos provee el potencial para vivir
extraordinarias vidas de fe. Los buenos corresponsables reconocen este poder y
usan sus dones a través del canal de la gracia de Dios, para transformar sus
vidas y las vidas de otros, y por consecuencia apresuran el Reino de Dios. Los
buenos corresponsables saben que a través del Espíritu Santo ellos pueden
proclamar: “Jesús es el Señor.”
The Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity
Weekend of June 14/15, 2014
In today’s second reading Saint Paul’s final appeal
is a call for unity. God created that unity. Good stewards who share Christ’s
life in the Eucharist belong to each other, just as God in the three persons of
Father, Son and Holy Spirit enjoy unity. We are an intimate part of God’s
divine bond, God’s “family.” Saint Paul maintains that we ought to act that
way. In the Church there is a bond of family, yet plenty room for variety.
Christian stewards use their uniquely varied gifts to live a Trinitarian faith,
in unity, promoting Christ’s peace and justice. How do we promote unity in our
Solemnidad de la Santísima Trinidad
Fin de Semana de Junio 14/15 de 2014
En la segunda lectura de hoy, el llamado final de
San Pablo es un llamado a la unidad. Dios creó esa unidad. Los buenos
corresponsables, quienes comparten la vida de Cristo en la Eucaristía,
pertenecen el uno al otro, así como Dios se regocija en la unidad de tres
personas, Padre, Hijo y Espíritu Santo. Nosotros somos una íntima parte de la
relación divina de Dios, de la “familia” de Dios. San Pablo sostiene que nosotros
tenemos que actuar de esta manera. En la Iglesia hay una relación familiar, sin
embargo, hay abundante espacio para la variedad. Los Cristianos corresponsables
usan la variedad de sus dones únicos para vivir una fe Trinitaria, en unidad,
promoviendo la paz y la justicia de Cristo. ¿Cómo promovemos nosotros la unidad
en nuestra parroquia?
Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ
Weekend of June 21/22, 2014
Among the compelling Eucharistic themes proclaimed
in today’s readings is the notion of “participation” as found in Saint Paul’s
letter to the Corinthians. Good stewards are part of a Eucharistic family: loving,
welcoming, serving. An important part of living as a steward comes about in the
many ways we can participate in the life of the Church. No matter how much time
we have to give, no matter what our skills or interests, no matter what our
level of commitment, there is a way to participate as a good steward to enrich
our lives and the lives of others to build up the Body of Christ.
Solemnidad del Santísimo Cuerpo y la Santísima
Sangre de Cristo
Fin de Semana de Junio 21/22 de 2014
Entre los apremiantes temas Eucarísticos proclamados
en las lecturas de hoy, está la noción de la “participación” como se encuentra
en la carta de San Pablo a los Corintios. Los buenos corresponsables son parte
de la familia Eucarística: amorosos, acogedores, serviciales. Una parte
importante de vivir como corresponsable proviene de las muchas maneras en las
que podemos participar en la vida de la Iglesia. Sin importar cuánto tiempo
tenemos para dar, sin importar nuestras habilidades o intereses, sin importar cuál
es nuestro nivel de compromiso, hay una manera de participar como buen
corresponsable para enriquecer nuestras vidas y las vidas de otros para
construir el Cuerpo de Cristo.
Solemnity of Saints Peter and Paul, Apostles
Weekend of June 28/29, 2014
In today’s Gospel we hear Peter proclaim who his friend
and teacher really is when he says to Jesus: “You are the Christ, the Son of
the living God.” Peter experienced many ups and downs as a follower of Jesus.
He could be impetuous, impatient, fearful and even unfaithful. After Peter had
boasted of his fidelity to the Lord, he adamantly denied him three times. It
seemed that Peter had burned his bridges, but Jesus lovingly rebuilt them and
restored Peter to service. Peter would
become the chief steward of the Gospel in the early church. Peter had failed Jesus,
but with Jesus, failure is not the end. Reflect this week on the times you have
failed Jesus. Were you open to Jesus’
forgiveness? Did it make you a better
steward of the Gospel?
Solemnidad de los apóstoles San Pedro y San Pablo
Fin de Semana de Junio 28/29 de 2014
En el Evangelio de hoy nosotros escuchamos a Pedro
proclamar quien es realmente su amigo y maestro cuando dice a Jesús: “Tú eres
el Cristo, el Hijo de Dios.” Pedro experimenta muchos altibajos como seguidor
de Jesús. Él puede ser impetuoso, impaciente, temeroso y hasta falto de fe.
Después de que Pedro había alardeado su fidelidad al Señor, él categóricamente
lo negó tres veces. Tal parece que Pedro había “incendiado sus puentes,” pero
Jesús amorosamente los reconstruyó y restableció a Pedro para servir. Pedro se
convertiría en el principal corresponsable del Evangelio en la primera iglesia.
Pedro había fallado a Jesús, pero con Jesús la falta no es el final. Reflexione
este fin de semana sobre las veces que usted ha fallado a Jesús. ¿Estuvo usted
abierto al perdón de Jesús? ¿Esto le hizo ser un mejor corresponsable del
Source: ICSC Newsletter June 2014
Monday, May 5, 2014
Mother's Day: A Stewardship Reflection
May 11 is Mother’s Day in the U.S., and similar holidays are
celebrated in most countries. After all,
what theme is more universal than the importance of motherhood? We Catholics prize that nurturing
relationship so highly that we call our church, “Holy Mother,” and we venerate
Mary, the mother of Jesus, for her pivotal role in the life of the savior. Yet, Mother’s Day can bring with it a
plethora of emotion and memories. Any
mother can attest to the difficulty and challenge of the task of parenting. And mothers come in all shapes and
sizes. Some mothers are birth mothers;
some are adoptive. Some mothers are the
grandmothers or aunts who raised us.
Some mothers left us far too soon; and no matter when they leave, they
always leave us orphans. Some mothers
are the people we rebelled against; some mothers are the women we
idolized. Most often, our mothers were
probably both. It’s a complex
relationship, this parenting.
Christian stewards, many of us are mothers, but all of us are sons and daughters. During May, we honor and remember not just
our own moms, but Mary, the Mother of God.
We see her as the great symbol of motherhood and as our role model. At her knee, Jesus learned his prayers and
the faith of his ancestors. At her
hearth, Jesus grew in wisdom and grace and developed his sense of manhood and
destiny. Mothers should resist comparing
themselves to Mary. It is tough enough
being a mom without setting the barrier that high. But we all should ask Mary’s intercession, so
that in our endeavors to be good stewards and to raise good stewards, to
nurture in the faith those entrusted to us, she might come to our assistance
and guide us with her motherly understanding.
And on Mother’s Day, we ask Mary to bless all mothers, especially our
ICSC e-bulletin, May 2014
Thursday, April 17, 2014
Stewardship Prayer for Easter Season, April 2014
Christ is risen, and with him all creation!
replaces darkness, joy replaces sadness,
replaces death.
is no failure
Lord’s love cannot reverse,
humiliation he cannot exchange with
anger he cannot dissolve,
routine he cannot transform.
is embraced by the victory of his cross and resurrection.
we always be good stewards of Easter’s light,
Resurrection as a daily event,
yearn for Jesus’ love as intensely as
he yearns for ours.
pray this in Jesus’ name. Amen.
Source: International Catholic Stewardship Council, April 2013 news bulletin
Tuesday, March 4, 2014
Stewardship in the Sunday Readings, March 2014
Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Weekend of March 1/2
We are “servants of Christ and stewards of the
mysteries of God.” This appears to be a rather bold claim by Saint Paul to the Corinthians
in today’s second reading. We are only the managers, the stewards, the
caretakers of God’s divine revelation. We are accountable to the Lord for this
unimaginably awe-inspiring gift bestowed upon us. Good stewards who are
faithful to the Gospel know they are not permitted to adjust the message to
suit their circumstances, please themselves or others, or to avoid criticism.
Good stewards strive to speak and act in a way that is consistent with Christ’s
teachings. As we approach the Lenten season, let’s reflect on how we may have
twisted the Gospel message to suit our own needs.Weekend of March 1/2
Octavo Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario
Fin de Semana del 1 / 2 de Marzo de 2014
First Sunday of Lent
Weekend of March 8/9
Primer Domingo de Cuaresma
Fin de Semana del 8 / 9 de Marzo de 2014
Second Sunday of Lent
Weekend of March 15/16
Segundo Domingo
de Cuaresma
Fin de Semana del 15 / 16 de Marzo de 2014
En la segunda
lectura de hoy, Timoteo ofreció una firme instrucción: “Comparte conmigo los
sufrimientos que es necesario padecer por el Evangelio, confortado por la
fortaleza de Dios.” Para los primeros cristianos esto podía representar la
tortura y la ejecución. Para la mayoría de los cristianos de hoy padecer los
sufrimientos necesarios por el evangelio tal vez incluya el ridículo y la
burla, o la sugerencia de falta de sofisticación. Sin embargo, en sus cartas,
San Pablo es firme en que nosotros no debemos avergonzarnos de ser seguidores
de Cristo. Los buenos corresponsables no se avergüenzan de su lealtad a Cristo.
Ellos no ocultan su fe. Reflexione acerca de esta pregunta: ¿está usted
dispuesta/o a hablar como seguidor de Jesucristo sin importar quienes resulten
ser sus oyentes?Fin de Semana del 15 / 16 de Marzo de 2014
Third Sunday of Lent
Weekend of March 22/23
Tercer Domingo de Cuaresma
Fin de Semana del 22 / 23 de Marzo de 2014
Fourth Sunday of Lent
Weekend of March 29/30
Cuarto Domingo
de Cuaresma
Fin de Semana del 29 / 30 de Marzo de 2014
En la segunda
lectura de hoy San Pablo nos pide encarecidamente tratar de aprender lo que es
agradable al Señor. La Biblia enfatiza frecuentemente nuestra necesidad de
complacer a Dios en todo momento y San Pablo encontraría inconcebible que
alguno de los seguidores de Cristo careciera del deseo de agradar al señor.
Pero, ¿cómo discernimos nosotros lo que complace al Señor? Se ha dicho que una
de las maneras más rápidas de obtener una indicación de lo que agrada a Dios es
leer la Biblia. Leer la Biblia refuerza lo que�hemos
escuchado en la predicación y enseñanza acerca de la voluntad de Dios. La
práctica transforma también nuestro entendimiento de los deseos de Dios para
nosotros. Si usted lee la Biblia, ¿cómo le ayuda a entender lo que es agradable
al Señor? Si usted no lee la Biblia, ¿por qué no lo hace? Fin de Semana del 29 / 30 de Marzo de 2014
Monday, March 3, 2014
Be a Good Steward of the Lenten Season
The Lenten season prepares us for the celebration of Easter.
It is a time for Christians to embrace prayer, fasting, and almsgiving in a more concerted way. For some it is a time of healing, an opportunity to repair their spiritual brokenness. For others it is simply a good time to cultivate their spiritual lives in a more disciplined manner. The goal of Lenten practices: to prepare ourselves to enter into the paschal mystery of Holy Week with a more humble spirit and determination to follow Jesus Christ. This ancient triad of prayer, fasting and almsgiving offers wonderful spiritual benefits. Being a good steward of these gifts by planning ahead and following through is essential to having a fruitful Lenten experience.
Prayer: What greater gift could we give ourselves during Lent than the gift of prayer? The fruits of developing a disciplined time of prayer are bountiful. Make plans for a prayer time each day. Do not wait until you “find time” but make a time of prayer your priority. This will involve sacrifice on your part – perhaps giving up some television viewing time, using part of your lunch hour, or getting up in the morning earlier than usual. Along the way, spend some time in extra prayer with the community: a weekday Mass, Stations of the Cross. Whatever you decide, resolve to spend more time with the Lord.
Fasting: Christian stewards understand that all they receive, including the bountiful food and drink that is often taken for granted, ultimately comes from the Lord. By denying ourselves food for a time, we are reminded in physical and emotional ways of the Lord’s generosity. As we fast, thoughtlessness is replaced by gratitude and mindfulness of the needs of others. The ancient practice of fasting also conditions us for greater spiritual practices. Incorporate some aspect of fasting from food or drink into your Lenten practice, something in addition to the sacrifices we make on Ash Wednesday and the Fridays of Lent.
Almsgiving: This spiritual discipline heightens our sense of generosity. Just as an increase in prayer and fasting leads us to be more grateful for the gifts we’ve received, and promotes a greater awareness of others, almsgiving helps us to reach out to others in gratitude. Just as we don’t “squeeze in” time to pray during Lent, we also don’t scrutinize our checkbook when being generous with others. Again, make a plan and let a meaningful sense of sacrifice be your guide.
Source: ICSC March Stewardship Bulletin
It is a time for Christians to embrace prayer, fasting, and almsgiving in a more concerted way. For some it is a time of healing, an opportunity to repair their spiritual brokenness. For others it is simply a good time to cultivate their spiritual lives in a more disciplined manner. The goal of Lenten practices: to prepare ourselves to enter into the paschal mystery of Holy Week with a more humble spirit and determination to follow Jesus Christ. This ancient triad of prayer, fasting and almsgiving offers wonderful spiritual benefits. Being a good steward of these gifts by planning ahead and following through is essential to having a fruitful Lenten experience.
Prayer: What greater gift could we give ourselves during Lent than the gift of prayer? The fruits of developing a disciplined time of prayer are bountiful. Make plans for a prayer time each day. Do not wait until you “find time” but make a time of prayer your priority. This will involve sacrifice on your part – perhaps giving up some television viewing time, using part of your lunch hour, or getting up in the morning earlier than usual. Along the way, spend some time in extra prayer with the community: a weekday Mass, Stations of the Cross. Whatever you decide, resolve to spend more time with the Lord.
Fasting: Christian stewards understand that all they receive, including the bountiful food and drink that is often taken for granted, ultimately comes from the Lord. By denying ourselves food for a time, we are reminded in physical and emotional ways of the Lord’s generosity. As we fast, thoughtlessness is replaced by gratitude and mindfulness of the needs of others. The ancient practice of fasting also conditions us for greater spiritual practices. Incorporate some aspect of fasting from food or drink into your Lenten practice, something in addition to the sacrifices we make on Ash Wednesday and the Fridays of Lent.
Almsgiving: This spiritual discipline heightens our sense of generosity. Just as an increase in prayer and fasting leads us to be more grateful for the gifts we’ve received, and promotes a greater awareness of others, almsgiving helps us to reach out to others in gratitude. Just as we don’t “squeeze in” time to pray during Lent, we also don’t scrutinize our checkbook when being generous with others. Again, make a plan and let a meaningful sense of sacrifice be your guide.
Source: ICSC March Stewardship Bulletin
Monday, January 13, 2014
Stewardship in the Sunday Readings, January 2014
Solemnity of the Epiphany of the
Lord, Weekend of January 4/5, 2014
In today’s
second reading we hear the teachings of Saint Paul to the members of the Church
at Ephesus. He proclaims that he, and they, are stewards of the gospel of Jesus
Christ, and therefore stewards of God’s loving, unifying and inclusive grace.
He also proclaims that the Holy Spirit is at work within each of them, if only
they would be open to the Spirit. Today, our world races by with intolerance,
violence, desperate poverty, fear and division. At the beginning of this New
Year, perhaps it is appropriate to reflect on Saint Paul’s words and ask
ourselves how we can be good stewards of the gospel today. How will we allow
the Holy Spirit to work within us? How can we be better stewards of Christ’s
justice and peace?
La Solemnidad de la Epifanía del
Señor, Fin de Semana de Enero 4/5 de 2014
En la segunda
lectura de hoy nosotros escuchamos las enseñanzas de San Pablo a los miembros
de la Iglesia en Éfeso. Él proclama que tanto él, como ellos, son
corresponsables del evangelio de Jesucristo, y por lo tanto, corresponsables de
la gracia amorosa, unificadora e inclusiva de Dios. Él anuncia también que el
Espíritu Santo obra dentro de cada uno de ellos, solamente si ellos están
abiertos al Espíritu. Actualmente, nuestro mundo pasa de prisa con
intolerancia, violencia, pobreza desesperada, temor y separación. Al inicio de
este Nuevo Año, tal vez sea el momento apropiado para reflexionar sobre las
palabras de San Pablo y preguntarnos a nosotros mismos, ¿cómo podemos ser
buenos corresponsables del evangelio hoy? ¿Cómo permitiremos al Espíritu Santo
obrar dentro de nosotros? ¿Cómo podemos nosotros ser mejores corresponsables de
la justicia y la paz de Cristo?
of the Baptism of the Lord, Weekend of January 11/12, 2014
Saint Matthew’s
story of the baptism of Jesus is an appropriate scripture reading to reflect on
our own baptism. Jesus’ baptism has been understood as a symbol of his death.
Baptism is the sacrament by which we die to an old life of sin and enter a new
life of grace. We “put on Christ.” To be a good steward of one’s baptism means
to accept that one has new life in the risen Lord and is willing to be guided
by the life of Jesus. As the new year begins to unfold, reflect on the meaning
of your own baptism, and how you might make an even deeper commitment to a new
life in Christ Jesus.
del Bautismo del Señor, Fin de Semana de Enero 11/12 de 2014
La narración de
San Mateo del bautismo de Jesús es una lectura de las escrituras apropiada para
reflexionar acerca de nuestro propio bautismo. El bautismo de Jesús ha sido
entendido como un símbolo de su muerte. El bautismo es el sacramento por el
cual nosotros morimos a una vida anterior de pecado y entramos a una nueva vida
de gracia. Nosotros “representamos a Cristo.” Ser buen corresponsable de
nuestro bautismo significa aceptar que tenemos una nueva vida en el Señor
resucitado y estamos dispuestos a ser guiados por la vida de Jesús. Al empezar
a develarse el nuevo año, reflexione sobre el significado de su propio
bautismo, y sobre cómo podría usted hacer un compromiso aún más profundo a una
nueva vida en Cristo Jesús.
Sunday in Ordinary Time, Weekend of January 18/19, 2014
As the prophet
Isaiah proclaims in the first reading, the Lord continues to remind us that we
are his servants. Imagine the Lord speaking these words to you personally: “You
are my servant. Through you I show my glory. I formed you as my servant from
your mother’s womb. I will make you a light so that you may shine the light of
my salvation everywhere you go, and reveal my glory to everyone you encounter.
I will give you the strength to do this. I will give you confidence. Heed my
words, for I have spoken to you.” What would your response be to the Lord?
Would it be different from the response you give the Lord now?
Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario, Fin de Semana de Enero 18/19 de 2014
Como lo �anuncia el Profeta Isaías en la primera lectura, el Señor
continúa recordándonos que somos sus servidores. Imagine al Señor diciéndole a
usted estas palabras personalmente: “Tú eres mi servidor. A través de ti yo
muestro mi gloria. Yo te formé como mi servidor desde el vientre de tu madre.
Yo haré de ti una luz para que puedas hacer brillar la luz de mi salvación
donde quiera que vayas, y reveles mi gloria a todo aquel a quien encuentres. Yo
te daré la fortaleza para hacer esto. Yo te daré la confianza. Atiende a mis
palabras, porque a ti las he dicho.” ¿Cuál sería su respuesta al Señor? ¿Sería
diferente de la respuesta que usted le daría al Señor ahora?
Sunday in Ordinary Time, Weekend of January 25/26, 2014
today’s gospel we hear Jesus calling Peter, Andrew, James and John to follow
him. Following Jesus was a difficult journey for these first disciples. It is
difficult for us today. Jesus wants to teach us his way of thinking, acting and
encountering the world. But it is not easy for us to embrace his teaching. Good
stewards of Jesus’ teachings realize they are on a spiritual journey, and must
learn from their experiences of being open and resistant to the gospel. They
realize the need to be liberated from those actions that keep them from enjoying
a closer friendship with Jesus. What is it in our lives that we need to reform?
What keeps us from revealing God’s glory to others?
Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario, Fin de Semana de Enero 25/26 de 2014
el evangelio de hoy nosotros escuchamos a Jesús llamar a Pedro, a Andrés, a
Santiago y a Juan para que le sigan. Seguir a Jesús fue una jornada difícil
para estos primeros discípulos. Es difícil para nosotros actualmente. Jesús
quiere enseñarnos su manera de pensar, actuar y encontrarse con el mundo. Sin
embargo no es fácil para nosotros abrazar sus enseñanzas. Los buenos
corresponsables de las enseñanzas de Jesús son conscientes de que ellos están
en un camino espiritual, y deben aprender de sus experiencias a estar abiertos
al evangelio y a ser incansables. Ellos conocen la necesidad de ser liberados
de esas acciones que les privan de disfrutar una amistad más cercana con Jesús.
¿Qué hay en nuestras vidas que nosotros necesitamos cambiar? ¿Qué nos detiene
de revelar a otros la gloria de Dios? Monday, December 2, 2013
Stewardship in the Sunday Readings, December 2013
Sunday of Advent
Weekend of November 30/ December 1, 2013
On this first Sunday of Advent Jesus urges his disciples to stay awake and prepare themselves for the Lord’s coming. Good stewards prepare themselves and await Christ’s judgment in joyous expectation. This attitude requires genuine spiritual maturity, of course; the kind that is cultivated by prayer, participation in the sacraments, loving attention to family and one’s communion of faith, and love for one’s neighbor. Are we prepared for the Lord’s second coming? Are we ready to receive Christ? Are we ready to look joyously for Christ’s judgment?
Primer Domingo de Adviento
Solemnity of the Nativity of the Lord (Christmas)
Solemnidad de la Natividad del Señor (Navidad)
Weekend of November 30/ December 1, 2013
On this first Sunday of Advent Jesus urges his disciples to stay awake and prepare themselves for the Lord’s coming. Good stewards prepare themselves and await Christ’s judgment in joyous expectation. This attitude requires genuine spiritual maturity, of course; the kind that is cultivated by prayer, participation in the sacraments, loving attention to family and one’s communion of faith, and love for one’s neighbor. Are we prepared for the Lord’s second coming? Are we ready to receive Christ? Are we ready to look joyously for Christ’s judgment?
Primer Domingo de Adviento
Fin de Semana de Noviembre
30/ Diciembre 1 de 2013
En este primer domingo de
Adviento Jesús impulsa a sus discípulos a permanecer despiertos y a prepararse
para la venida del Señor. Los buenos corresponsables se preparan y esperan el
juicio de Cristo en gozosa esperanza. Esta actitud, requiere de una auténtica
madurez espiritual, y por supuesto; de la bondad que es cultivada a través de
la oración, de la participación en los sacramentos, la amorosa atención a la
familia, la comunión en la fe, y el amor por el prójimo. ¿Estamos nosotros
preparados para la segunda venida del Señor? ¿Estamos listos para recibir a
Cristo? ¿Estamos listos para buscar gozosamente el juicio de Cristo?
Second Sunday of Advent
Weekend of December 7/8,
In today’s Gospel reading
John the Baptist warns his listeners: “Repent for the Kingdom of Heaven is at
hand!” The Church’s yearly Advent herald is a call to repentance. The season of
Advent urges us to be open to a conversion of heart. Christian stewards heed
this call daily, and take the need for conversion in their lives seriously. As
a family of faith, do we hear this call to conversion amidst the massive
holiday spending? The increase in credit card debt? The urge to buy things that are not necessary?
The incivility on the roadways during
the holidays? Are there patterns in our own lives that need to be converted?
Segundo Domingo de Adviento
Fin de Semana de Diciembre
7/8 de 2013
En la lectura del Evangelio
de hoy Juan el Bautista alerta a quienes le escuchan: “Arrepiéntanse porque el
Reino de los Cielos está cerca.” El anuncio del Adviento que hace la Iglesia
anualmente es un llamado al arrepentimiento. El tiempo del Adviento nos impulsa
a estar abiertos a la conversión de corazón. Los cristianos corresponsables
prestan atención a este llamado diariamente, y toman seriamente la necesidad de
conversión en sus vidas. Como familia de fe, ¿dedicamos nosotros tiempo para
escuchar este llamado a la conversión entre tantas compras de los días
festivos, el incremento de la deuda en la tarjeta de crédito, el impulso de
comprar cosas que no son necesarias, y la descortesía en las calles durante las
vacaciones de esta temporada? ¿Son todos estos, patrones en nuestras vidas que
necesitan ser convertidos?
Third Sunday of Advent
Weekend of
December 14/15, 2013
the loneliness of his prison cell John the Baptist asks of Jesus: “Are you the
one who is to come, or should we look for another?” The weeks before Christmas
offer much to be joyous about, celebrating with family and friends, the
glitter of seasonal decorations, the excitement of gift giving and receiving.
But in our midst there are the lonely and neglected, the poor, the
hospitalized, the wayward, the shut-ins. There are those seemingly without
hope. To whom should they look? Discipleship in the Lord includes being good
stewards of others. Are there those in our family, our neighborhood, our
community to whom we can reach out to show them a sign of Christ’s presence in
their midst?
Tercer Domingo de Adviento
Fin de Semana de Diciembre
14/15 de 2013
Desde la soledad de la
celda de su prisión Juan el Bautista preguntó a Jesús: “¿Eres Tú el que ha de
venir o debemos esperar a otro?” Las semanas anteriores a la Navidad nos
ofrecen mucho para estar gozosos, las celebraciones con familiares y amigos, el
esplendor de las decoraciones de la época, la emoción de dar y recibir regalos.
Sin embargo, en medio de nosotros hay quienes están solos y olvidados, el
pobre, el hospitalizado, el rebelde, el recluido. Hay quienes parecen no tener
esperanza. ¿A quién deben ellos buscar? El discipulado en el Señor incluye ser
Buenos corresponsables de otros. ¿Hay en nuestra familia, nuestro vecindario, o
nuestra comunidad, personas a quienes podamos acercarnos esta época para
mostrarles un signo de la presencia de Cristo en medio de ellos?
Fourth Sunday of Advent
Weekend of December 21/22, 2013
today’s Gospel we hear of the coming of Emmanuel, which means “God is with us.”
We celebrate three Advents: the birth of Christ, his Second Coming, and his
presence in the world today. Our daily lives are attended by God’s presence.
Indeed, “God is with us.” The Good News of Christ’s Incarnation is that we are
the sign, “sacrament,” of Christ’s presence in the world. People are supposed
to see us, see how we love one another, see how we treat the stranger among us,
give comfort to the poor and afflicted, share the Good News with joy. They see
how good stewards are the light of Christ. And there can be no possible
response except to say: “God is here!”
Cuarto Domingo de Adviento
Fin de Semana de Diciembre
21/22 de 2013
En el Evangelio de hoy
nosotros escuchamos acerca de la venida de Emmanuel, que significa “Dios con
nosotros.” Nosotros celebramos tres Advientos: el nacimiento de Cristo, su
Segunda Venida, y su presencia en el mundo hoy. Nuestra vida diaria es asistida
por la presencia de Dios. Ciertamente, “Dios está con nosotros.” Las Buenas
Nuevas de la Encarnación de Cristo son: que nosotros somos el signo, el
“sacramento” de la presencia de Cristo en el mundo. Se supone que la gente nos
vea, que vea como nos amamos el uno al otro, que vea cómo tratamos al extraño
entre nosotros, cómo damos consuelo al pobre y al afligido, cómo compartimos
las Buenas Nuevas con alegría. Que la gente vea cómo los buenos corresponsables
son la luz de Cristo. Y que no haya otra respuesta posible excepto decir:
“¡Dios está aquí!”
Solemnity of the Nativity of the Lord (Christmas)
December 25, 2013
Amidst the beautiful
Christmas readings at today’s Masses is a reading from a small New Testament
letter from Saint Paul to his protégé, Titus, read at Midnight Mass. Saint Paul
reminds Titus that God has given us a gift in the person of Jesus Christ. This
gift represents God’s active presence in our lives and in our world. This gift
redeems us from evil and death. This gift purifies us as God’s people. This is
a gift that also comes with an expectation: that we receive it with
thanksgiving, allow it to transform us into Christ’s image; and from it, learn
how to live a life “eager to do what is good.” Take time the next few days to
reflect on the marvelous gift we celebrate at Christmas, and how we might
become better stewards of this gift.
Solemnidad de la Natividad del Señor (Navidad)
Diciembre 25 de 2013
Entre las hermosas lecturas
de la Navidad en las Misas de hoy, está una lectura del Nuevo Testamento de una
breve carta de San Pablo a su protegido, Tito, se lee en la Misa de Media
Noche. San Pablo le recuerda a Tito que Dios nos ha dado un don en la persona
de Jesucristo. Este don representa la presencia activa de Dios en nuestras
vidas y en nuestro mundo. Este don nos redime del mal y de la muerte. Este don
nos purifica como pueblo de Dios. Este es un don que viene también con una
esperanza: de que nosotros le recibamos con agradecimiento, de que le
permitamos transformarnos en la imagen de Cristo; y desde ahí, aprender cómo
vivir una vida “anhelantes por hacer lo que es bueno.” Tomemos tiempo los
próximos días para reflexionar sobre el don maravilloso que celebramos en la
Navidad, y sobre cómo podemos ser mejores corresponsables de este don.
Weekend of December 28/29,
In today’s second reading
we listen to one of the most compelling exhortations for Christian living:
“Whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord
Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him” (Col 3:17). “Whatever you
do”---that means the whole of life is to be related to Christ Jesus. Everything
in life, every activity, can become an act of glorifying the Lord. Good
stewards commit even their daily routine to Christ: doing everything “in the
name of the Lord.” Perhaps it would be a good idea this week to memorize this
marvelous verse and repeat it to yourself frequently. Make it part of your
morning prayer each day.
Fin de Semana de Diciembre
28/29 de 2013
En la segunda lectura de
hoy nosotros escuchamos una de las exhortaciones más convincentes de la vida
Cristiana: “Y todo lo que hacéis de palabra o de hecho, hacedlo todo en el
nombre del Señor Jesús, dando gracias por medio de Él a Dios el Padre.
(Colosenses 3:17). “Todo lo que hagan” –esto significa que la vida entera está
relacionada a Cristo Jesús. Todo en la vida, cada actividad, puede ser un acto
de glorificación al Señor. Los buenos corresponsables, comprometen aún su
rutina diaria a Cristo: haciendo todo “en el nombre del Señor.” Quizás es una
buena idea que esta semana memorice este maravilloso verso y lo repita para
usted misma/o frecuentemente. Hágalo parte, cada día, de su oración de la
As published in the ICSC newsletter, December 2013
Monday, November 25, 2013
Gracious and loving God,
As the autumn season continues its transformation,
and the days become shorter,
the earth cooler;
as we join family and friends
in joy and celebration
on Thanksgiving Day,
we pause to give You thanks and praise
for the abundant blessings
You have bestowed upon us:
For life and health,
safety and comfort,
food and nourishment.
Through your Spirit, open our hearts
so that we may be even better stewards
of Your many blessings.
Show us how to be a blessing
for the poor, sick, lonely and all who suffer.
And help us nurture the gift of faith,
revealed to us by your Son, Jesus Christ,
our greatest gift,
who reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, one God forever and ever.
As the autumn season continues its transformation,
and the days become shorter,
the earth cooler;
as we join family and friends
in joy and celebration
on Thanksgiving Day,
we pause to give You thanks and praise
for the abundant blessings
You have bestowed upon us:
For life and health,
safety and comfort,
food and nourishment.
Through your Spirit, open our hearts
so that we may be even better stewards
of Your many blessings.
Show us how to be a blessing
for the poor, sick, lonely and all who suffer.
And help us nurture the gift of faith,
revealed to us by your Son, Jesus Christ,
our greatest gift,
who reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, one God forever and ever.
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